Here is at this page we provide wonderful job opportunity for the residents of Abbottabad that District & Session Court Abbottabad Jobs 2018 Latest Advertisement are available and applications are invited from the eligible candidates having Domicile of District Abbottabad for the following posts such as (Computer Operator, Stenotypist, Junior Clerk, Driver). Applicants willing to apply for the Posts Sr. No. 1 & 2 should have a minimum Intermediate degree with other skills mentioned in the image posted below, those who wanted to apply for the post at Sr. No. 3 should be Matric pass and for Sr. No. 4 middle pass candidates will be eligible to apply. So, residents of Abbottabad district who are educated and looking for a job in government sector should take advantage of this opportunity and apply in full confidence.

Apply for the District and Session Court Abbottabad Jobs 2018 June Advertisement Latest Vacancies such as (Computer Operator, Stenotypist, Junior Clerk and Driver) for which Abbottabad domiciled candidates possessing qualification from Intermediate to Matric/Middle with relevant skills and experience are welcome to apply before the last date 06th June 2018. Written test will be held on June 21, 2018
 Title:District and Session Court Abbottabad Jobs 2018 June Advertisement Latest Vacancies
 Posted on:9th May 2018
 Last Date to Apply:Jun 06, 2018

 Education Required:Intermediate,Matric,Middle
 Organization: District & Session Court Abbottabad

District & Session Court Abbottabad Jobs 2018 Latest Career Opportunities

Vacant Positions with Basic Pay Scales:

  • Computer Operator (BPS-16)
  • Stenotypist (BPS-14)
  • Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
  • Driver (BPS-06)

How To Apply for District and Session Court Abbottabad Jobs:

  1. Candidates should send their applications written on a plain paper along with attested copies of relevant documents, a copy of CNIC, two fresh photos on the following address given below.
  2. The last date for submission of application is June 06, 2018.
  3. Incomplete and late received applications will not be entertained.
  4. Government servant should apply through proper channel.
  5. No Traveling Allowance / Dearness Allowance will be paid for an interview.
  6. Candidates should bring original documents at the time of interview. Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site for further updates.

District & Session Court Abbottabad Jobs 2018

Last Date to Apply: June 06, 2018.

Click Here For Job Advertisement Image

Address: District & Sessions Judge Abbottabad.